Verstappen’s Historic Feat: Equaling the Icons Hamilton and Schumacher

Verstappen's Historic Feat: Equaling the Icons Hamilton and Schumacher

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Max Verstappen matched a record held by Lewis Hamilton and Michael Schumacher after winning the 2024 Canadian Grand Prix.

Max Verstappen’s victory at the Canadian Grand Prix marked his third consecutive win at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, a feat previously achieved only by Lewis Hamilton and Michael Schumacher. Not the favorite to win, Verstappen handled the mixed race conditions and a stroke of luck to maintain his streak of not losing back-to-back races for over 700 days. Verstappen expressed his joy at matching the record and hopes for more wins in the future, citing his enjoyment of the track and its similarity to his go-karting days. Despite finding last Sunday’s race “very difficult,” Verstappen found it rewarding to showcase his skills in challenging conditions and emerge victorious from a competitive field. He concluded by sharing his enjoyment of such races, appreciating the excitement they bring while acknowledging the stress they can also induce.

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